Bikes on bikes! On a sweaty weekend in July, the Ossington BIA and a passionate troop of individuals closed the busy street of Ossington to the community and an on-slaught of bike afficiendos. The Ossington Crit was a street bike race that took place around Ossington during the first ever OssFest. The Crit featured five different races which saw sanctioned Pro/Am men’s and women’s races-Beginner and intermediate races-Open fixed gear races and community kids race. A lot of winners and good times took place during the Crit. Resident artist Steve Carty not only captured incredible photographs of the day's event but worked tirelessly on behalf of Rally to work with the BIA to help make the street closure and bike phenomena a reality! His in-house photography exhibit Life Cycles showcased bicycles and the people who ride them.

Photos by Steve Carty.